Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dr. Michio Kaku - Future of the Mind

Dr. Michio Kaku - Future of the Mind
Visit to Chattanooga State Community College
Carl Gren | Chattanooga | February 9, 2014

One of the benefits afforded students attending Chattanooga State is the opportunity to participate in enriching experiences such as physicist and futurist Dr. Michio Kaku’s recent visit to Chattanooga State’s main campus.  The chilly January day was full of anticipation and excitement with activities that included a private student and faculty session held in the Humanities auditorium that I was most eager to attend.  During the session, Dr. Kaku graciously took questions from students who braved the microphone, of which I was one.  The nervousness I felt standing in line while listening to him answer the questions of those ahead of me turned to butterflies as I approached the microphone to speak.  Fortunately, a fellow student recorded Dr. Kaku’s response on my iPhone, since I was so overwhelmed that I didn’t hear a word of his answer to me!  Needless to say, I’ve since watched the recording 50 times or more.  After his book signing later in the day, Dr. Kaku held his main lecture in the Gymnasium where he discussed current research focused on the brain, the subject of his new book; The Future of the Mind. As a right and proper geek, I found his predictions concerning future technologies merging with the brain system particularly fascinating.  Meeting, speaking to, and listening to one of the greatest minds in history was an experience that I truly appreciate and a memory I will cherish forever.

“We have to train young people for the economy of the future, just like you do here at Chattanooga State Community College”  - Dr. Michio Kaku, 23 January, 2014

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Thoughts on Sharing the Journey

When I observe real life examples of families, and even individual people, truly working together and sharing a dream, it fills me with joyful emotion, and more often brings me to tears. A shared dream; the desire to see it succeed, and the experiences shared through that journey, create a powerful, "positive" charge that can pass through anyone observing in a kind of wave. The "force" of that energy induces an empathetic emotional bond that transcends even the most complex intellect, yet is fundamentally understood by those observing without explicit explanation.

As charged particles have an affinity toward the lesser charged - the symphony of balance in the life force of nature - the observer will inherently act as a medium through which their positively charged bond in empathy will pass on to those they interact on their continued journey - affecting each after until the wave dissipates to its furthest extent .

This is one of truths in this experience. The source of what is real and honest in the universe, and something we all seek throughout our own journeys. And so another also is the shared experience of this journey, where compassion, love, empathy, cooperation, and consideration will flourish.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

On Truth and Change

I wanted to share my thoughts on something I am noticing more of lately.  Over the years, I have made the case that in our lives that truth is truth and fundamentally there are not two or more truths to anything.  Just like like an equation in algebra; although there may be multiple ways to get to an answer, in the end, the final answer can only be one thing and is usually simplified to its most basic form - a form that is for that equation the only truth that can be.  Of course, we all have our individual perceptions and opinions about a thing, but that does not change the fundamental truth of a thing's origin or the provable fact of its simplified state of being.  Black is black, white is white, good is good and evil is evil.  Each of these things can be proven as truth in the context of their implied or intended state of being or application.  We can each feel a certain way about a thing, and a thing can elicit emotions in each of us.  Important as they may be in our daily lives, neither feelings or emotions determine truth, effect fact, or change evidence. 

For instance, one might argue that because the sound coming from a passing train is different for one listener (based on their position relative to the train as it passes) than it is for a second listener (based on his position as the train passes) that there are two answers; two different sounds heard. Of course that argument would be invalid because only one equation would be used to explain the sound the first listener heard, and the same equation would be applied to the sound the second listener heard. Both answers would then be the same - the listeners heard the same sound, in the same way, just not at the same time.  Had the listeners stood together, the sound heard by both would be the same.  The certain fact that sound move slower than light explains why both listeners heard a different sound. The one truth is that the equation to determine how the sound of a train is transmitted at sea-level on earth to a listener in relation to the passing train the listener sees is immutable; it will always remain the same equation or function.  Math proves fact is truth.  Philosophy also backs up facts and proves beliefs; ideas and observations are 'a posteriori' truth.  Whereas those who would attempt to confuse and manipulate others, do so by trying to enforce their positions 'a priori'.  That is, they attempt to do so without empirical knowledge or data.  Instead they are emotionally driven and strive to control others through the same by manipulation.  Science proves fact is truth.  Truth is truth and whatever the subject of conversation, truth is not relative to an individual or group.  It is the same for all.  Truth is not 'a priori', but rather and always 'a posteriori'.  If I cut myself, do I not bleed?  Is my blood not red like yours?  

Shakespeare was a master of truth.  In his day those who spoke truth were executed.  Luckily Shakespeare was also a master of subterfuge, and he used it in order to communicate the truth without upsetting the status quo of his time, those who as in our own time relished in their ignorance and power over the ignorance of others. Everything is not relative, especially when taken as a whole and applied to the many, or the majority.  No matter how much an individual wants something to be, or wants others to believe a thing, that thing is not necessarily the truth.  Fox News is a perfect example and contrast to what Shakespeare was doing.  As much as Fox News wants people to believe certain things, and they do their best to twist things to fit a specific agenda, the things they broadcast rarely turn out to be factual or true in entirety (or at all) as presented.  In many, dare I say most cases, most of what Fox News presents is patently false and intentionally misleading.  They simply produce a picture of how they want others to perceive them.  Their goal is to keep others living in a fictional bubble.

Which brings me the long way around to my point.  I have been noticing a language and philosophy recently in media, news and general dialog that is beginning to change toward the very notion that, in the end, at the end of the day, no matter how much you want the sun to remain in the sky….it won't ….because that's just not how things are.  From the studios in Hollywood to the beltway of Washington, over the past couple of years I am hearing more and more impassioned cries for rational thinking, attention to the facts and an insistence on changing course where the status quo has led mankind astray.  For example, Secretary of State Clinton, in her outgoing remarks the other day, made the statement that the republican party just refuses to live in an evidence based world.  These types of statements, no matter who or what the subject, seem to be a reflection of our changing lexicon and possibly testimony to the next step we take as a species out of the darkness and into the light.  I am hearing them spoken and infused in conversation from late night TV shows to the very news media itself.  In fact, Fox News as of last week has had its lowest viewership in 10 years, which is testament to the point I am making.  Either people have seen Fox News for the poison that it is and are leaving in exodus….or a lot of it's viewership has passed away.  That was poke at the fact that most of Fox's viewers are 50+ years old, living in the past and entrenched in outdated and false ideas about the world.  In any case, it may be that we are waking up en mass to a clearer sense of reality.  It may be that those without vision and without the best interests of mankind have led us for much too long.  The powerful and the rich are not driven by truth.  They are driven by greed and a desire to maintain control.  These past 10 years have challenged that control, their power and their systems of manipulation and propaganda across the planet.  Global weather pattern changes that are causing unprecedented catastrophe, rampant pedophilia and murder of innocent children around the world, manipulation of world economies and markets, poverty, starvation and War that has crept across the Earth for more than 100 years without rest.  Only over this past century has Planet Earth endured so much at once at the hands of man. It seems that the tide may be changing.

So it gives me encouragement, and a renewed hope to hear the language in our collective conversation change.  I am encouraged to hear the intent behind the words change where they matter most.  We cannot go on living as a people in the dark, clinging to ancient, irrational and obsolete beliefs that prevent us from moving on, and forward.  Glints of hope are emerging across the world more and more that indicates that many others agree and also see the truth. The next giant leap for mankind may not be our embarkation to the stars, but rather our ability to move the majority forward.  Some will be left behind; those who choose to cling to the old ways, to hatred, racism, greed and paranoia.  But the needs of the many have and always will far out way the needs of the few.  Who knows, maybe this could lead to a new age of enlightenment for mankind unseen in previous history.  No matter where it takes us, if this trend continues, wherever we go will be wonderful. May the Force Be With Us.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Today Might Not Have Been: Communicate, Appreciate and Validate

Foreword: A man whom I admire very much, regularly tells the people he works with to communicate,  appreciate and validate those around them, because they might not be there tomorrow.  Today I had a moment of clarity and reflection that showed me truer words were never spoken. These are my words below, as originally posted on my Google+ profile

December 11 & 12, 2012

Yesterday and today Humanity was spared a fatal blow.  Not a joke. '2012 XE5' is an asteroid three miles wide, and "missed" Earth only hours ago by that much ->  "... 139,500 miles or slightly more than half the distance to the moon, according to NASA".  It is actually one of two that passed us over the past two days...the other was much further away though. In terms we can all relate to, if a bullet were fired at a person, but missed that person by literally a human hair distance...that's what just happened to Earth when 2012 XE5 passed by.  Keep in mind that it was only discovered a few days ago...as it approached Earth. For all those conspiracy / end of world folks, the chances of this happening seems almost too convenient fodder for debate and philosophy.

Keep in mind also that asteroids pass us frequently, so this is not some kind of unusual astronomical event.  How close it came, when we discovered it and the size of it however, are something to pause over.  Consider though for a moment that 2012 XE5 was just as likely to hit us than not. And consider that if it had, this day would have been the last day for civilization, and possibly most of life on Earth. How unbelievably apropos such an event would be at this point in our journey together. And how sad the thought that there would be no one left to appreciate the bitter irony of the darkest realization of our fears.Yet this is not the case, and I am not suggesting that anyone go off the reservation because of this event.

What I do think, is that this is is one of the most appropriate occasions (if not, an opportune one) for everyone to breath a sigh of relief, and to mark this day in their hearts as they would any day of great occasion. Regardless of your religious faith, culture or position in life, no matter how bad your year has been or how lost you may feel, we are all still here...now, and that it something to celebrate. Hug your kids, your parents, your spouses and your friends. Let them know how important they are to you, and appreciate what you have now because everything could have ceased to exist today. Completely.

News Article Referenced and Cited:

Monday, September 24, 2012

Every Moment a Choice

If we create a maze in our mind with many imaginary exits, but really there is only one, we have built a mental cage for ourselves that only wastes valuable time on our journey.

It is a much better thing to clear one's path of wasteful divergences that stray from the intended goal lest the goal never be reached. Yet some inflate their balloons so large that they cannot see the path they are on, instead only living in the periphery, experiencing life in the could have beens and moments only just passed. 

Each of us creates our path from the first thought that sparks a thing into being simply by imagining it is, or should be so.  In every perceivable moment that passes, one exists in a being of infinite number of unique choices, each a spark of possibility that determines the next moment of infinite choices. 

One's will, desire, and determination fan the flame made possible by each spark of choice that lights the path one travels.  Let each moment serve then to further the next and let light perpetual shine.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


The certain origin of the whole of Humanity's journey does not provide consciousness a safe harbor from reality, respite from the pain of the experience, or absolution for transgressions.

Those are consolations forged from desperation, colluded in fiction, and better sought through faith to assuage the weary soul.

This journey began, as it has concluded, a cycle repeating in perpetuity. All that has happend before, and is happening now, will happen again.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Haunt

When darkness comes no clear tells,
No warnings sound as shadows swell
if not for raising of bristled hairs, and sudden chill; though not the air,
then from within
should not be there.

Intimate moments cast absent form,
That which once was but from the ether torn
but whose essence remains, in such stillness retains
the echo of silent prayer.